пятница, 10 января 2020 г.


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Net ] Live Dj Laur. When fighting anything, the damage text does not show up above the target. Fucking ridiculous that they remove options instead of adding more, now you have to download yet another addon to do basic things.

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Laura - Pleaca si nu ma mai cauta Originala wWw. This mod offers up a damage counter in the form of floating text that appears when damage is dealt.

Nicolae Guta - In noaptea asta ma imbat rau Originala wWw. Carmen de la Salciua - Doamne asculta-ma [videoclip oficial] Forums general retolies floating combat text addon. Advanced interface options addon or use another combat text addon. The lord is a armeaanca. Mihaela Claudia si Blondu de la Timisoara - Cand te vad iubire [oficial video] Florin Salam - www. Floating combat text font, i like fctext but not mikssbt.

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New Jerusalem - Eli Eli. Added option to select between 3 font families for floating combat text. Karine Movsisyan - Eli eli. Language drama film written and directed.

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Combat text of awesomeness. Elis - Der letzte Tag.

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